
Speeding up the implementation of brand strategy in fractional horsepower motor industry in China

Column:Industry dynamics Time:2019-12-16
Under the situation that the national macro-economy continues to be dominated by macro-control and the national economy will maintain a rapid growth rate

Under the situation that the national macro-economy continues to be dominated by macro-control and the national economy will maintain a rapid growth rate, the market demand for fractional horsepower motors at home and abroad will continue to be strong, and the total economic volume of the fractional horsepower motor industry will continue to rise.

Among many favorable factors, the fractional horsepower motor industry in China is facing new challenges and many unfavorable factors. First, it is difficult to restrain the rising trend of the prices of main raw materials. While the costs of enterprises are rising substantially, the competition of product prices is becoming increasingly fierce, so the economic benefits of enterprises are not optimistic. Second, some state-owned motor enterprises in the fractional horsepower motor industry are in the crucial stage of restructuring, and the nature of the enterprise's operating mechanism needs to be implemented and improved as soon as possible.

In order to further promote the progress and development of the industry, the general idea of the work of the fractional horsepower motor industry in 2005 is: in a pragmatic and pioneering spirit, we should deeply understand the needs of enterprises, actively help enterprises to solve problems, strive to promote the technological progress of the industry, promote the innovation of business mechanism and management, effectively play the role of "link" and "bridge" of the fractional horsepower motor industry association, and better For the industry, for enterprises to do a full range of services. The key work is to actively organize industry experts to carry out the renewal of fractional horsepower motor series products; organize the technical exchange of new products, new technologies, new processes and new materials in the industry and the exchange of innovation experience in the enterprise; strengthen the coordination of product prices in the industry and gradually establish the industry self-discipline rules to meet the needs of market economic development and market competition; and do a good job Industry statistics, strengthen information service and consulting service; vigorously promote the implementation of brand strategy.

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